Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

Examination Committees

Laurence Duchien was in the examination committee of the following HDR thesis:

  • François Taïani, November 2011, University of Rennes (referee),

  • Laurent Réveillère, November 2011, University of Bordeaux (referee),

  • Philippe Collet, December 2011, University of Nice-Sophia-Antipolis, (member).

She also was in the examination committee of the following Ph.D. thesis:

  • Janick Laval, June 2011, University of Lille 1 (chair),

  • Carlos Parra, March 2011, University of Lille 1 (co-advisor),

  • Daniel Romero, July 2011, University of Lille 1 (co-advisor),

  • Zeina Azmeh, September 2011, University of Montpellier, (member),

  • Marie-Eléonore Marnion, December 2011, University of Lille 1 (chair),

  • Damien Cassou, March 2011, University of Bordeaux (referee),

  • Olfa Djebbi, May 2011, Université Paris I-Panthéon (referee),

  • Cristobàl Costa Soria, May 2011, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain (referee),

  • Abdelhakim Hannousse, November 2011, University of Nantes (referee).

Romain Rouvoy was in the examination committee of the following Ph.D. thesis:

  • Christian Ruz, June 2011, University of Nice (co-referee),

  • Daniel Romero, July 2011, University of Lille 1 (co-advisor),

  • Grégory Nain, December 2011, University Rennes 1 (member).

Lionel Seinturier was in the examination committee of the following Ph.D. thesis:

  • Daniel Romero, July 2012, University of Lille 1 (director)

  • Judicael Ribault, January 2011, University of Nice (referee)

  • Eric Simon, March 2011, University of Grenoble (referee)

  • Yves Vanrompay, May 2011, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium (member)

  • Mohamed Zouari, June 2011, University Rennes 1 (referee)

  • L.oris Bouzonnet, September 2011, University of Grenoble (referee)

  • Kiev Dos Santos Gama, October 2011, University of Grenoble (referee)

  • Anthony Hock-Koon, October 2011, University of Nantes (referee),

  • Ali Assaf, October 2011, Ecole des Mines de Nantes (member)

  • Kahina Hamadach, November 2011, University of Lille 1 (president)

  • Vincent Aranega, November 2011, University of Lille 1 (president)

Philippe Merle was in the examination committee of the following Ph.D. thesis:

  • Virginie Legrand Contes, December 2011, University of Nice-Sophia-Antipolis, (co-advisor).

Journals, Conferences, Workshop

Laurence Duchien has been

Philippe Merle has been member of the following committees:

  • Program committee of the International Middleware Workshop on Adaptive and Reflective Middleware (ARM'11), http://arm11.lifl.fr/ .

Lionel Seinturier has been

  • guest co-editor of a special issue of the Elsevier Science of Computing journal on Software Evolution, Adaptability and Maintenance,

  • member of the steering committee of the DisCoTec Workshop on Context-aware Adaptation Mechanisms for Pervasive and Ubiquitous Services,

  • member of the following committees:

    • 10th ACM International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE'11),

    • IEEE International Conference on Computer, Networks, System, and Industrial Engineering (CNSI'11),

    • 3rd IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA'11),

    • 37th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA'11), MOCS Track and DANCE workshop,

    • ACM International Workshop on Security and Dependability for Resource Constrained Embedded Systems (S&D4RCES'11),

    • 4th DisCoTec Workshop on Context-aware Adaptation Mechanisms for Pervasive and Ubiquitous Services (CAMPUS'11),

    • Atelier Adaptation Dynamique des Logiciels (ADAPT'11) at RenPar'20,

  • reviewer for the following journals: Wiley Software Practice and Experience, Elsevier Journal of System and Software, Springer Software and System Modeling, Elsevier Science of Computer Programming.

Romain Rouvoy has been

  • member of the following committees:

    • member of the steering committee of the DisCoTec Workshop on Context-aware Adaptation Mechanisms for Pervasive and Ubiquitous Services,

    • member of the steering committee of the IFIP International Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems,

  • program co-chair of the following scientific events:

    • 10th International Workshop on Adaptive and Reflective Middleware (ARM'11),

    • 11th IFIP International Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems (DAIS'11),

  • member of the following program committees:

    • 4th DisCoTec Workshop on Context-aware Adaptation Mechanisms for Pervasive and Ubiquitous Services (CAMPUS'11),

    • 3rd International Workshop on Middleware for Pervasive Mobile and Embedded Computing (M-MPAC'11),

    • 6th International Workshop on Middleware for Service-Oriented Computing (MW4SOC'11),

    • 2nd International Workshop on Green Computing Middleware (GCM'11),

    • 6th International Workshop on Middleware Tools, Services and Run-time Support for Networked Embedded Systems (MidSens’11),

    • 1st International Workshop on Social Service Computing (SSC'11),

    • 1st International Workshop on Adaptive Services for the Future Internet (WAS4FI'11)

    • 1st International Workshop on Distributed Systems: Security, Privacy and Trust Challenges (DS:SPT'11),

    • 1st International Workshop on Middleware and Architectures for Autonomic and Sustainable (MAASC'11),

    • 1st International Workshop on Variability-intensive Systems Testing, Validation & Verification (VAST'11),

  • reviewer for the following journals: Inderscience International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAHUC), Elsevier Journal of Information and Software Technology (IST), Elsevier Journal of Systems and Software (JSS).

Martin Monperrus has been

  • referee for the following journals: ACM TOSEM, Springer SoSym, Elsevier Science of Computer Programming

  • external referee for the following conferences: AOSD, FSE